生年月日: 6月16日
血液型: A型
趣味: イラスト描く、フィギュア集め、日本の80年代アイドル、日本文化。
主要言語: スペイン語、英語、日本語、カタラン語。
好きな色: みどり
好きな食べ物: 天ざる、ピザ、パエリア

WARNER MUSIC JAPANよりリリースした「Japani Beats! Ruki Special Vol.1」
2016年から2018年までに、Amazon Japanで5枚のアニメカバーアルバムをリリースしました。

2018年、RUKI TVというスペイン語のYoutubeチャンネル始めまして、そのおかげでアメリカで初めてアメリカのライブツアーを開催しました。


Born on June 16th in Valencia (SPAIN).
On 2010 she won an audition in Japan and released her first single produced by her favorite singer Momoi Halko.
Back in Spain she started her music activity performing in the biggest Japanese culture events in Spain.
On 2014 She went back to Japan for study Japanese in Tokyo. During this time she appeared on several Japanese media like magazines, tv programs and radio.
Also she had the opportunity to model for some Japanese brands in the event called HARAJUKU KAWAII FASHION WEEK 2014.

On 2015 she released an original song from the RPG card game ''Granada Eternal'' produced by DMM games. After that she released with Warner Music Japan a digital album called 'Japani Beats! Ruki Special Vol.1', this album reached the number 13 in the anime chart ranking.

Between 2016 and 2018 she has released 5 new anime cover albums in Amazon Japan also performed in HANEDA INTERNATIONAL ANIME MUSIC FESTIVAL two consecutive years.

During 2018 she started her spanish youtube called RUKI TV and thanks to that got the opportunity to perform for first time in United States doing an american live tour.
On 2019 she starter her japanese youtube channel called Rukirintv.
